Time for some new speakers

So am trying to decide if some models I have researched are worth inclusion and audition. Will have to drive several hundred miles to audition a couple of them so I am looking for thoughts and feedback if anyone has heard them or especially if someone has heard more than one; theirs thoughts on how they compared. Considering the following: KEF 205/2, B&W 802D, Lawrence Audio Cello, Salk Audio Sound Scape 8. List was compiled based on reviews and all of them, having a small foot print (except B&W), resonable bass and looks that I believe my wife could live with. Live in downtown condo with neighbors both sides but do have a good size living room (20 x 24 x17). Front end is Hegel and source is oppo 103, mac mini and sonus for causual listening
Weird coincidence that the Yamaha Soavo mentioned by Hifisoundguy is featured in the rotating B&H ad that appears sporadically above this page. They want $4k/pr tho, so maybe not the best vendor.
If your are considering Salk, very fine speakers with great WAF, then also consider Selah and Vapor audio. I have found out that the value of their speakers are very hard to beat. All three build very high quality speakers that are hard to beat versus going the conventional retail route. For disclosure I have some Selah speakers. Good Luck!
Listen to Revel F 208 if you get a chance. Impressive in their price range and look very nice, relatively small footprint.