Is it the speakers?

I while back, I commented to the forum about the current speakers i recently purchased (audio physics Caldera) and how the sound was different than my previous mains which were Klipschorns. About 1 month later, i am still a little perplexed why some LP's sound thin and some have a sound similar to what i remember. One of the responses highlighted that a driver i replaced needed breaking in and after about 50 hours of listening, I do see that as part of the issue. Another comment was the Amplification (i am using a Yamaha AV style reciever as part of a home theater system which is rated at 800 watts (about 125 per channel). I have not addressed this yet but i will be auditioning a couple of new dedicated stereo Preamp/amp combo's. Finally, I had put a spare ZYX airy3 cartridge on my maplenoll vs my usual Universe but historically that had change (i do swap from time to time to rotate my cartridges).I had not seen this big of a change but that yet was another change. However, last nite, I got a major "AHA" moment when after listening to a Moody blues album, i put on Allen Toussaint (bright mississippi) on and my jaw dropped. I had always liked the album for its clean sound, depth of soundstage, and love the music period. However, this was such a change in what i had historically heard from my setup which included the Klipschorns. I have heard Allen play probably about 20 times, some in very small venues like the old tipitina or Warehouse in New Orleans so i know his live music well. TOnite he was in the house. THe fullness and sharpness of each note on the piano, the subtle background cymbal and tamborine was just amazing. The faint scuffle of the tapdancer on one of the tracks was unreal. I am now thinking that the resolution of the Caldera system just is showing some of the weakness in some of the recordings versus not necessarily a bad match with my amplification. Have others had a similar "aha" moment when changing components or am i just one scotch (macallen) over the line?

WHen things are going very well, a trained ear quickly realizes how different different recordings sound. When they all start to sound similar you are probably missing something in regards to potential system performance.

Hearing the difference in sonics from recording to recording is one of teh great joys of having a good system IMHO. To the extent that they might also tend to trick you into thinking you are listening to a live performance, the better as well!
It's amazing how a great recording can make your system sound like there can't possibly be a system anywhere else that sounds better, and a bad recording can make you feel like you wasted every penny. Too often the quality of the source material is neglected or overlooked, and having a nice system has helped me discover just how much garbage is out there. I have recordings I can't bear to listen to they're just so poorly done.
Please ditch the receiver and give the speakers the front end they deserve.
