Looking for bookshelf speakers

Room size about 20 x 15. My budget is up to $2500.
Any opinions on the Revel 106?
I'll be the third to ask what kind of amp you have. It is critical that the amp you'll be using can properly drive the bookshelf speakers your considering.

Speaking of bookshelf speakers, the M106's are rear ported so they must be used with stands. Or you will not be getting the proper bass response that the designers intended. If you are going to place them on a bookshelf, strongly suggest you forget about these and look at front ported only.

Hope this helps.
Fritz REV 7 (2500) and Skylan stands(about 350)... call Fritz... Noel at Skylan will build custom stands for you
+1 for the Totem Model Ones or Mani-2s..... But only If you have the "right" integrated amp with the necessary grunt to drive them properly.

The prior posts all nailed it: system synergy matters big-time. Tailoring the speakers to the electronics is a must.

Similarly, I would also recommend Jean-Marie Reynaud OFFRANDE Signature standmounts ( used )

Google for the reviews and grab a listen if you can. These are hi- end French stand mount speakers that soar with the " right" electronics .
+2 for the Totem Model 1 Sigs.
Hint, they love the new version DNM Reson bi-wire speaker cable. Harmonics are as good as any speaker I ever heard.