Looking for bookshelf speakers

Room size about 20 x 15. My budget is up to $2500.
Any opinions on the Revel 106?
+1 for the Totem Model Ones or Mani-2s..... But only If you have the "right" integrated amp with the necessary grunt to drive them properly.

The prior posts all nailed it: system synergy matters big-time. Tailoring the speakers to the electronics is a must.

Similarly, I would also recommend Jean-Marie Reynaud OFFRANDE Signature standmounts ( used )

Google for the reviews and grab a listen if you can. These are hi- end French stand mount speakers that soar with the " right" electronics .
+2 for the Totem Model 1 Sigs.
Hint, they love the new version DNM Reson bi-wire speaker cable. Harmonics are as good as any speaker I ever heard.
That's a large room for bookshelf speakers? why not floorstanders for a room that size?