Any suggestions where to find used pair B&W 801D?

Am based in Michigan, USA. Would love to find this specific make and model of these spectacular monitors - as a surprise birthday gift for my brother. Need to be in exceptional condition. Any help would be very much appreciated - Ralph
I tried looking for the 801Ds to no avail, so I settled on the JBL S4700s. 2 different animals to be sure; the JBL has horn loaded compression drivers and the B&W has high tech cones and domes. But, they have some things in common in that they're big, heavy, and they both have 15" woofers per cabinet. So, my point is, if you're unable to find the 801Ds, consider the bigger JBLs... Array 1400, S3900, or S4700.
Also, you can get really good deals on new JBL too. The S4700s are $15k list price, and probably can be had for at least 40 percent off of that!
Shipping would be crazy expensive but I think there is a pair in florida.

People are nuts on here and they do not answer the question asked.

At this moment there is one pair for sale on:

In europe you will find them more often.

good luck, Bobby