I had a guy make me an offer on a pair of interconnects. I accepted the offer. Legally, acceptance+offer=deal. Period. The next morning, I get an e-mail from him. "What color is the phrase 'MIT' on the jacket of the cable?" I had an immediate sinking feeling. Anyway, I e-mail him back with the answer. He e-mails me again: "What color are the connectors?" On this particular cable, there had been no change in the color scheme of the connectors at any time, according to my research. (Nor, incidentally, had there been a change in the color of the phrase "MIT" on the outside of the cable's jacket.) I e-mail him back with the answer to that one, too. He e-mails several more inane questions. Finally, I send him a message saying, "I've given you every possible detail about this cable. Are you interested?" He writes back, saying how curt and rude it was of me to ask that. Then, nothing. Never heard from the guy.