Help finding a Mid-Sub

Not posting this because I'm too lazy to research, But I can't seem to find much in the line of a fair quality "Mid-Subwoofer." What I'm speaking of would not be a Subwoofer for home theater, but rather a separate Mid unit that will produce a very clean, tight, powerful and fast punch in the chest with music only. "Specifically Hard rock."

I have a good Subwoofer now for my home system and it provides those very low tones well, although it does not and can not thump a shot gun Mid blast in your chest. Something very tight and with zero reverberation is what I need, but so hard to find.

If anyone has any low to high dollar ideas either used or new I could use a starting point. Thanks.
"Not posting this because I'm too lazy to research, But I can't seem to find much in the line of a fair quality "Mid-Subwoofer." What I'm speaking of would not be a Subwoofer for home theater, but rather a separate Mid unit that will produce a very clean, tight, powerful and fast punch in the chest with music only. "Specifically Hard rock.""

That's because what you are asking for is not a sub. The frequencies you are talking about are handled elsewhere in the system. You don't list the rest of your system, so I can only guess, but if you have speakers that are capable, an amp would probably be the best way to fix your problem. But that's a complete guess because I know nothing about your system and how its set up (including room dimensions).

Look into the Wilson-Benesch Torus. A large 18" diaphragm that operates in push pull much like an electrostatic speaker. The white pages are here:
What about the Hsu MBM-12 MkII?? It's a Mid Subwoofer that can be tuned for use with either a true sub or used by itself.

If its plate amp is not your thing, you may want to consider the possibility of modifying the sub to accept a better amp...
Mr. Pigchild.

There is a pair of the Torus Infrasonic Generators and a pair of the Torus amps/crossover for sale on audiogon. I wouldn't miss it.
See the thread "Slam what is it" and read martykyl response which describes what I want and what you might want as well. I don't want a sub that adds bottom end weight or muck, so that everything ends with a thud and a shudder. I want "kick" in my kick drum, a solid sound you can feel. The bass needs to be punchy and fast not heavy and slow.
The Gallo subs are sealed for quick transients and round so they are very rigid. They are compact and easy to maneuver. The controls are simple and intuitive for ease of setup. I use two of them in my winter setup and in another month I'll have them up and running again. Response in my room goes down to 25hz but what's really important is what happens in the 50-70hz range.
I really hated the REL sub, never achieved what I wanted. The REL is marketed as a "sub bass" system and that's not the sound of live music or what I wanted. I've had at least five other subs that never cut it either. For a measly 1200.00 per pair for the Gallo's you can't go wrong.