Help finding a Mid-Sub

Not posting this because I'm too lazy to research, But I can't seem to find much in the line of a fair quality "Mid-Subwoofer." What I'm speaking of would not be a Subwoofer for home theater, but rather a separate Mid unit that will produce a very clean, tight, powerful and fast punch in the chest with music only. "Specifically Hard rock."

I have a good Subwoofer now for my home system and it provides those very low tones well, although it does not and can not thump a shot gun Mid blast in your chest. Something very tight and with zero reverberation is what I need, but so hard to find.

If anyone has any low to high dollar ideas either used or new I could use a starting point. Thanks.
"Not posting this because I'm too lazy to research, But I can't seem to find much in the line of a fair quality "Mid-Subwoofer." What I'm speaking of would not be a Subwoofer for home theater, but rather a separate Mid unit that will produce a very clean, tight, powerful and fast punch in the chest with music only. "Specifically Hard rock.""

That's because what you are asking for is not a sub. The frequencies you are talking about are handled elsewhere in the system. You don't list the rest of your system, so I can only guess, but if you have speakers that are capable, an amp would probably be the best way to fix your problem. But that's a complete guess because I know nothing about your system and how its set up (including room dimensions).

Look into the Wilson-Benesch Torus. A large 18" diaphragm that operates in push pull much like an electrostatic speaker. The white pages are here:
What about the Hsu MBM-12 MkII?? It's a Mid Subwoofer that can be tuned for use with either a true sub or used by itself.

If its plate amp is not your thing, you may want to consider the possibility of modifying the sub to accept a better amp...
Mr. Pigchild.

There is a pair of the Torus Infrasonic Generators and a pair of the Torus amps/crossover for sale on audiogon. I wouldn't miss it.