Has Anyone Found Shunyata Cables Sounding Thin?

I have noticed this with the introduction of some of Shunyata's latest offerings into my system. They are great cables but they need help in my system. I run cables in series to solve the problem and the results are stunning -- while going against audio principles and accepted audio "wisdom".
Hi Sabai, I have never observed Shunyata products of any series sounding thin. Could you specify what wires in what exact context? ... And what chaining configuration addresses the perceived issue in your view ?

Hi Zd542 and Guidocorona,

The tonality/harmonics are not what I like to hear. I would call the sound thin. There is definitely something lacking. Maybe it's just my system.

I have been using DIY Furutech PCs, ICs and digital cables in my system, on and off -- not in series. But I have experimented with series cabling in the past. Since the Furutech wire is OCC cryo-ed copper, just like Shunyata cables, I figured the synergy might be good. So, I tried the Shunyata digital and IC cables in series with my Furutechs. Wow! Stunning. So, I tried my PCs with the Shunyatas. Equally stunning.

How does this work? Since I run AES/XLR it's easy. Just piggy-back the cables. With PCs I use a burn-in adapter. Which cable goes downstream? Ah, there's the rub. It depends on which sounds better. This part is all trial and error.
Sabai, I recall you working with the "series" concept a while ago, and I sincerely applaud your creativity and persistence. However, I feel you are disadvantaging yourself with this method. For every change achieved by adding an unnecessary interconnect to the chain, and an unnecessary connection, you are also losing information - you are gaining tonal variety at the expense of precision.

My perspective is that whatever goal could be achieved with the series method could be achieved better by selecting proper cables not in series, but if desired by mixing them. If you feel a particular cable sounds thin, then you place yourself at a disadvantage in using it at all. You are merely degrading the end result in order to adjust the thinness. That is not something I would recommend for the reasons I have stated.

I'm not under the impression that I will change your mind in this matter, but I'm sharing my perspective based on use of cables.

If you could hear my system you would change your mind. There is no loss at all of precision or information -- contrary to accepted audio "wisdom". The fact is that my system is at no "disadvantage" whatsoever. On the contrary, it has gained an advantage -- better SQ.

You are speaking from the point of view of audio theory -- not from the point of view of someone who is actually listening to my system. You have never heard my system. The ears tell the story -- not the theory. It is not a matter of changing my mind. This has nothing to do with the mind. It is all about the ears. My ears have been tested to hear 16,000 Hertz. Neither my system nor my ears are "disadvantaged".