Bel Canto DACs

Seldom see posts on these DACs here on the 'gon. Would like to hear more about them.
I'm thrilled with my Bel Canto DAC 3.5VB (paired with a Squeezebox Touch and Oppo BDP-95). Have no desire to upgrade at this time. Unfortunately, it doesn't support DSD playback, nor offer a headphone out, which could be part of the reason it doesn't get much "buzz" these days. However, I find it to be the perfect balance of detail and musicality (just as the aforementioned reviews did).
Ive only had the eDac 2.5, but its impressive.
i dont think Bel Canto gets much accolade b/c they dont advertise as aggressively as other producers, and they switched from tubes to digital in one apparent fell swoop: digital just isn't as popular yet …….
I have a Dac 3.5 MKII VBS and love it. Started another thread a while back about it. Really hits hard above its weight class, I have heard dacs 3 times its price I dont like as much.