Sony scd 777 es problems

My Sony scd 777 es is not functioning. I have tried it in another system with same problem. It seems to perform all functions correctly on the read out display, track playing, time, toc reading etc but no sound. I have had this unit for many years and love it( tho it is rarely used ). I am the second owner and the original owner sent it in for many upgrades including a super clock, resistors and caps. I can't afford a new unit of similar quality and am seeking suggestions on how to proceed. I live in lansing, Mi. And can't find any one to repair it locally. Thanks for the read.
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It's possible Richard Kern did the mods; I don't know if he is still around to repair the units.
You could call Dan Wright @ And he would be the best one to speak with as far as problems and or Mods for it.
When you say you can't afford a unit of similar quality, I assume you mean build quality? Nothing was built like those old Sonys. But for sound, I would say the new 5400 will probably surpass the 777 in all ways, and it's built pretty nice too. There's one up for sale from a dealer for about a grand. I guess it's worth a try to revive your old player, but just to ship that beast to Dan Wright is going to cost. Just something to keep in mind. But I will say, the 777 was a thing of beauty.