compact cd transport

Hi -
I am currently using a Parasound Z cd player--and even at its diminutive size, it is a tight fit in my small space. (I had to turn it sideways to get it to work). I was excited to see that there is an even smaller cd player on the market--the Pro-Ject Box DS cd player. There are very few reviews of it, though. Does anyone have experience with it, or know how it would compare to the Parasound Z cd? Or know of other very good compact cd players? Thanks for your help.... MC
The Project I have only seen in ads and it looks well built

Woo Audio has a small chassis top loader that LOOKS beautiful ... it is a transport/DAC combo

an older CAL Delta Sigma or Alpha combo might work

There is always the option of a Mac Mini but you would need a DAC with that too
cal delta/sigma looks good indeed and sounds good, but works mostly poor in terms of reliability.
Just going by your thread title, for a compact cd transport i'd recommend the Bel Canto CD-3T which is a perfect partner to any of the Bel Canto dacs. If you want a recommendation for a compact integrated player, i'd go with the Bel Canto CD-2 which uses a nude Phillips Pro2LM transport (similar to Ancient Audio). Speaking of which, you could also consider a 2nd hand AA Lektor IV which has an integrated valve line stage & is fully upgradeable to Lektor V, however I think that player will be too big based on your criteria. Later on I plan on adding a Bel Canto integrated amp & dac as the basis of a nice Desktop system. My Dealer now carries that line which is good.
I have a sweet Stello April music transport I picked up on agon a while back. The Woo transport looks (and sounds) good as well.