Upsampling DACs

What are some of the better high end upsampling DACs out there today? And are any of these upgradable. Thanks.
You're welcome, Bombaywalla. And thanks for the recommendation, Melbguy1. Basically my budget is up to $5000. However, I'd rather not spend too much on digital when I can do so with analog. That's why I asked about the Teac at $849 USD. I'm looking for some low cost but high quality alternatives to the big boys.
Dave, another nice sounding player on a budget would be a 2nd hand Modwright Sony XA-5400ES. A good example sold back in July on the 'Gon for $1990 -

That player will give you a big tube sound & you gain SACD. Dan's Truth Mod improves the Dac section and lifts the player up to a whole new level. A giant killer for sure.