Dynavector DV20x2H cart for MM phono stage ?

I am doing shopping a preamp for my system. My Rega RP3 TT comes with Dynavector DV20x2H cart which is a high output model (~2.8mV). Can I use a preamp with MM phono stage for this cart ?
For that amount you could get a pretty great phono stage that should offer both MC and MM inputs and you can see what works best for that cart. You will also not be locked into only playing with MM carts, you could upgrade to the even the next step up in the Dynavector line the 17D which in my opinion is a lot better than the 20XH. The 20XL is even a noticeable imporvement on the 20XH at least it was for me. How about the Parasound JC3 phono stage? Looks like you are already a fan of Parasound products.
I think spending $2500 for a Phono pre with your TT is way over kill...You should look at a Musical Surroundings NOVA II. It is super quiet and will work very well. It costs around 1200 new.
What line stage are you currently using? Also, I agree with Ejlif. If you have $2500 to spend on a phono pre, it would make a lot of sense to go with a low output cart. I haven't heard the 17D but I have the low output version of your cart and its a very nice upgrade over the HO version.
I think he's talking about a full function with phono. The A21 an amplifier. There are a lot of great preamps out there available on the used market where you get a great amount for your money. ARC SP 16 or 17 is a great value used. You can often find a Joule LAP-100 for your budget. An Audible Illusions M3 series is a great starting place and that can be had for way less than your budget. Just be patient and wait for what you want to come up used. It will be well worth it. IMO those full function preamps outperform all those low cost solid state external phono stages like the NOVA or JC3 or PS Audio, etc.