The difficulty with VTA is that it is the angle between the record, and a line joining the tip of the stylus with the fulcrum...wherever that is. It is not the same as the "cantilever angle"! It is usually about 2 degrees more than the cantilever angle, depending on the length of the cantilever and height of the diamond. It seems that no cartridge has the "gold standard" setup (VTA 20 and SRA 92), they all seem to be out, often by quite a large margin. So I'm not sure what to do about this. Mine sounds brilliant with the tone arm near horizontal, which gives a cantilever angle of 22 degrees and an SRA of about 95 degrees, to correct the angles I would have to drop the tonearm base by about 15mm, and I'm sure the mechanical problems associated would make things worse (on an 11 inch arm 1 degree change in SRA equates to over 5mm change in arm height!!). I think the jury is still out on this one, perhaps the best is to set by ear from horizontal. I suppose I'm as confused as most everyone else:)