If you had a Benz cartridge would you let someone

Else retip it. From my understanding with the distributor Benz is about 12 to 18 months behind on retipping. Would you let someone in the United States retip it for you. The dealer and the distributor both say it won't sound the same If Benz doesn't retip it. But who wants to wait all that time for a retip. Who in the states has retipped you're Benz cartridge that you have been happy with?
Wow, I've heard good things about the Paua. Glad to hear you're enjoying it. I sent my old L2 off the SS because it just couldn't track anymore. Went for the Evaluation; after I hear the verdict I may consider going beyond a repair. The Paua is too rich for my blood, unfortunately, but if he's got something in a lower price bracket with mid compliance and less than 1mv output it might be worth considering.
Just got my Benz Ruby 3H back from Soundsmith. Under 6 week turnaround. Excellent communication.
Tubegroover ...., with any luck, Judy has left the building. Mercifully, I don't recall seeing any of her "insight-less" posts in quite a few weeks.