Its true VPI has issue with Super Platter and that explains why it was discontinued. You could try putting it in freezer and adjust the centering, any off-centering is usually caused by thermo coefficient difference between stainless and acrylic.
However, I beg to be different on the sound. I have both SSM Ref and Classic, my Super Platter had issue and VPI offered me a Classic platter for replacement. I like the Super platter sound, it has more bass weight, depth, and blacker background to my ears. Mike in VPI agreed and took him month to find me another Super Platter, I was glad I waited.
You can send it in to repair, but on return trip it could become untrue again and that's the risk you need to take.
However, I beg to be different on the sound. I have both SSM Ref and Classic, my Super Platter had issue and VPI offered me a Classic platter for replacement. I like the Super platter sound, it has more bass weight, depth, and blacker background to my ears. Mike in VPI agreed and took him month to find me another Super Platter, I was glad I waited.
You can send it in to repair, but on return trip it could become untrue again and that's the risk you need to take.