Another phono cartridge question

What is the best currently available phono cartridge which has a removable and user replaceable stylus?
Without any doubt, I would recommend the Soundsmith Strain Gauge. It is absolutely a reference cartridge that fits your criteria.

Best Regards,

Jonathan Tinn
Soundsmith Dealer
Dear Boofer: Other than Ortofon you can look for Clearaudio, Goldring, Roksan, Audio Technica, etc, etc.

All those manufacturers have very good cartridges.

The best one? depends on many issues as: how good is your audio system? how good was/is the cartridge set up? which are your music sound targets/priorities? , etc.

With the top of the line cartridge on any of those manufacturers you can't go wrong.

Regards and enjoy the music,
I forgot, you could want to take a look to Nagaoka cartridges too.

Regards and enjoy the music,
I should have mentioned there is also the venerable Shure M97xe, which is very forgiving to the ear, but for the money I liked the Ortofon Red more.
Also, as suggested above, Audio Technica makes nice catridges with removable styli.

Let us know what you decided on.
Raul: I don't believe the Clearaudio carts. have user replaceble styli, do they? I have a Virtuoso, which I dearly love [have also read your review of this] but the cartridge must be sent in for stylus replacement. Correct me if I am missinformed; thanks.