VPI Hw-19 Jr. Thoughts?

I currently have a Rega P5 w/Exakt cartridge and I'm thinking about upgrading. I've seen a few VPI Hw-19 tables on Ebay that are inexpensive enough that I could potentially splurge on a nice tonearm and cartridge (say about $2-2.5k for both). Can the Hw-19 be considered an upgrade from what I have now or should I look at one of the newer offerings from VPI? I'm looking to spend up to $4k.

FWIW, the rest of my system is:

Magnepan 1.6QR
McIntoash MAC6700
Apple Mac Mini
Marantz SA8260 SACD player
As much as I would like to consider a SOTA, there are no dealers in my area and I want to test the table in my system first.
I had a VPI HW19 jr and while it was a nice table, it was somewhat of an entry table. It bought one to upgrade from a Music Hall MMF-5 and wasn't overwhelmed. It's a sturdy table, but I think most folks want them because they can be upgraded to the better models. That's my 2 cents fwiw.
FWIW, I wouldn't sell my VPI HW-19 for anything. It is somewhat of a custom build, but that's the nice thing about the HW-19 tables. You can upgrade/modify them with better platters, plinths, arm boards, motors, feet, suspension, arms, etc.

I was a VPI dealer for many years and have personally owned 40-50 different HW-19s. I LOVE this table.

Are there better tables out there? Sure, but the current prices for the HW-19 make it a wonderful buy.
Great table,I have a MK3 and have enjoyed it for 15 years.Put a nice tonearm and cartridge on it and you will have a first class system!