Best Place Online For Upgrade Electrical Outlet

I am getting ready to put in a couple of dedicated electrical lines (one for music only system, one for HT) and wanted to put in hospital grade electrical outlets. I'm looking for recommendations on the most cost effective outlets and the best place to buy online.
I use Hubbell audiograde outlets from The Cable Co. at, 2 for $25, and they are good. I also have 3 Acme outlets (see web address by Sugar). These are Pass & Seymour outlets that have been taken apart, silver-plated and reassembled. These are $30. each, and you can add cryo treatment for more money. These silver plated Acmes are very good, but they do take awhile to breakin. They have a 100% money back guarntee AFTER 30 days. Hospital grade Pass & Seymour outlets are good in their own right, and are available at good electrical supply stores for about $10. each. Cheers. Craig
I'm using PS Audio's Power Port outlets at $50 a pop.

However, there is also FImpression ( outlets at $60 a pop.

I would even recommend Home Depot's best 20 amp outlets at about $10 a pop.

Any one of the above should serve you well.
