Stylus Rake Angle

I am trying to set up my new VPI 3D arm as close to perfection as I can. On the Analog Planet, Michael Fremer gives one opinion, however, a different opinion was voiced by Harry at VPI, and Peter at Soundmith. I've been discussing this with them....Fremer says that SRA should be adjusted even if the back end of the arm is WAY high up as needed, whereas Harry, and Peter said to start with the arm in a horizontal position and move it slightly up and down to find the sweet spot. Peter said that my cartridge (Benz LPS) and some others have an additional facet in the diamond so bringing the arm up in back would be exaggerating the proper SRA. When I wrote back to Fremer, he answered with an insistance that he was correct. Does anyone want to add to the confusion??
I'm still wondering why, if slant angle varies not only from record to record but by the signal itself, by a cutter who's VTA is for all intents and purposes static, does cartridge VTA/SRA need to match VMA?

The SRA of the cutterhead does not vary with signal. It is a constant.
I have been reading this thread with interest. Lots of valuable information.

Since VTA/SRA adjustment changes Overhang/Zenith and VTF and vice versa,
what would be a typical cartridge/tonearm set-up proper sequence (1 to 6) if you start from scratch. Would this sequence make sense.

..regarding the Arche headshell.....there are cartridges that have this ability as well....Soundsmith's Susurra, etc. I wonder if this adjustment affects resonance frequencies, which should be avoided to retrieve what the cartridge "sees" on the record.
Smoffat, I think your sequence would work, except then the truly precise audiophile has to start over back at "VTF". In other words...
Thanks Lewn. You've confirmed my understanding of the adjustment sequence. Understood that once VTA/SRA have been adjusted, Overhang and VTF have been compromised and need to be re-visited.

I do have a USB microscope (Dino) that i have been using to assess my SRA angle. I had sent a few pictures to Wally Malewicz to get a feel on accuracy. The first one was not clear enough. The second picture, which i thought was right on 92 degrees was actually 94 as per Wally. The 3rd one which i also thought was right on 92 degrees was actually at 91 as per Wally. So you can make your own assumptions but unless you're a rocket scientist able to use a USB microscope properly, i suggest that you throw it out on the sidewalk and adjust (repeatedly i must admit) by ear as described by Doug and others in this thread until it's dialled in to your own ears.