How long does it take you to install a cartridge?

I have spent a at least a few to several hours installing a cartridge from beginning to end on my VPI table and was wondering how long it takes others.
30 minutes if I have everything out and ready. A little more if I use the fozgometer and adjust azimuth or if its on an arm that I am not familiar with. I dont tweak that much after I get it set, unless I am hearing something I dont think is right. I might fool around with vtf and vta a little if the sound is too bright, or bass muddy, but I find most cartridges play their best level with the record and in the middle of the manufacturers recommended vtf range. there is more variance in pressure, humidity and maybe temperature than in .01 gram in vtf.
~45 minutes for the initial setup and after that weeks of listening and tweaking.

Dear Hiendmuse: To install a cartridge could be very fast, maybe 20 minutes but to make the " right " set up could take it hours/days or months depending on your own experience, knowledge level, skills, kind of cartridge, tonearm and the process test you have to do it.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Peterayer: ++++ " There is also no azimuth adjustability which saves time.... " +++++

well, I think that that (save time. ) is very high trade off/"price " to pay against the cartridge quality performance level adjusted with the right azymuth: don't you think?

Regrads and enjoy the music,
I guess I am fortunate in not having to spend any time with cartridge set up.
My last two are Ortofon's purchased from High Water Sound.
Living within easy driving distance Jeffrey installed the cartridge for me which insures perfect setup.
Then we listen to great music