How long does it take you to install a cartridge?

I have spent a at least a few to several hours installing a cartridge from beginning to end on my VPI table and was wondering how long it takes others.
Dear Elizabeth: IMHO you could improve the cartridge quality sounds if you align the cartridge cantilever in a precise way instead " make certain it is square to the headshell. ".

With cartridges with " perfect " aligned cantilever usually works what you are doing now but several cartridges comes with an " off " aligned cantilever. Maybe yours is " perfected squared ".

Anyway, just a tought.

Regrads and enjoy the music,
Mounting and connecting the cartridge, and adjusting overhang, offset, VTF, anti-skating, VTA/SRA, azimuth, and loading, takes me something like 5 or 6 hours. But once I'm done, I'm done. I don't generally continue to tweak the settings afterwards.

It would take me significantly more time than that were it not for the fact that I use a set of good headphones (an older pair of Stax Lambda Pro's) that allow me to make adjustments and listen at the same time, while standing next to the turntable. (The arm I use provides easy adjustment of VTA/SRA during play, and azimuth and anti-skating can also be adjusted in-play if I'm careful).

-- Al
10 minutes because I bought a Well Tempered Simplex that has a fixed mounting distance just because I felt that I could no longer be confident that my setup was correct. I used to have a Moerch arm on an Amazon turntable and I don't think, even with the MintLP protractor that was made for the combo I ever go it right. Always something that I didn't like distortion wise. The Simplex plays silently and no distortion at the inner or outer grooves. Love it.
The one thing I learned about the Mint LP and the painstaking time to get the overhang and zenith spot on is that in the end, the cantilever flexes anyway, hopefully offset by proper antiskating. It will never be perfectly straight for the whole LP side. What I am trying to say...overhang, very important to get spot on, zenith not so much...only the best you can and don't lose sleep over it. Just some deep groove thoughts.