What cartridge do I get now?

I think my Decca Mk vii is on its last legs -stylus looks shot and it's starting to jet even more jumpy. So I started listening on my LP12/Ittok/Ortofon MC3turbo and even though more colored than the 401, I was surprised with the extra detail. Maybe the Decca wasn't doing as well as I thought.
So I swapped it into the 401/Jelco 750L and the system sounds way better! tighter bass, more detail, wider and deeper sound stage and more air. The only concession is that the Decca has slightly cleaner more upright presentation, probably faster.

So where do I go from here? A Denon 103R with a Bob's Devices CineMag 1131 or a Dynavector 10x5 or Ortofon Black MM? Money's a little tight but I want to improve the sound of the rig, not merely replace the cartridge. I had thought of retipping a la J. Wright but TBH, I'm disappointed in the Decca now that I've heard the MC3 in the 401. If I go the Bob's SUT route, I can always move to other LOMCs in the future. I dig detail, timbre, color, nuance over loudness.
Thanks Wc65mustang. I'm a bit nervous of ATs as they have a reputation for being bright and sterile..? I guess I mentioned wanting to keep the budget down, but... maybe I need to step it up as the mid-life crisis has arrived and I don't see a Camero in my future. I'm not even sure id my set-up merits a higher end cartridge. I did really love the Decca but it'd a bit tough to live with. So, any other suggestions for a 12" Jelco 750 on a nice 401 into a Croft Micro and Eico 35s with Quad ESLs?
Send your Decca/London to John Wright for a rebuild with a Paratrace tip. You will be astonished how good it is. The Deccas prefer 33k loading according to John.

My Decca C4E is astonishingly good and i prefer it to my Allaerts MC1B. I posted a review elsewhere on the Decca and my TRON 7 phono stage.


Charlie, I spoke to John and am sending on the Decca tomorrow.
Mr. Croft also advises keeping the Decca.
Let's see how this plays out.