Jethro Tull recent Remasters vs Mobile Fidelity?


Curious if anyone has had the opportunity to compare the recently released remastered Tull CDs (all with "bonus tracks")with the Mobile Fidelity Gold disc offering. Thanks!
Anyone care to second my concern that one of the best Jethro Tull albums is out of print, Living In The Past, and their disgust at the release of Living With The Past??? Yes Anderson has a nice sound to his flute playing. Got to hear him on Living In The Past album!!! They put on a real great show circa 1970-1974.
Tull had their ups and downs, but "Thick as a Brick" always takes me back to high school days!

After reading this thread a couple of days ago, I was scrounging through several hundred older LP's that are in queue to be cleaned and came across a rather obscure copy of "Supercharged" which contains a live LA performance of Tull. On the cover is a particularly maniacal picture of IA in the throes of performing. My wife and I were talking about "Jethro Tull" and various and sundry memories. My eight year-old nephew, upon spotting the LP cover says, "Wow. That Jethro is a wild looking dude".

Wild, indeed.
Tull,Styx,REO,Yes...we need to rid society of these cancerous atrocities...maybe ship em to Irag...with a buttload of BOse radios...they would surrender with ease...