Ray Samuels XR-10B phono stage - anyone got one?

Recently heard about this phono stage and wondered if anyone had/tried one

It sounds like an amazing deal and packed full of quality.

Any feedback appreciated- thanks
Jperry - how do you find the spatial imaging - specifically the depth?

Do you find the battery power provides enough dynamics?

I'm trying to decide between the the f-117 and the XR-2 with the mains power supply

My main interest is for classical/orchestral pieces.

What did the f-117 replace in your rig?


It is on my second turntable system that I do not use very much. It has plenty of quiet gain for your Denon cartridge.

The dynamics are good and so is the imaging. It is not as good as my Art Audio Vinyl One or the Fosgate Phono (it preceded the Art Audio).

It did not replace anything, just an add on for the second TT. Take a look at my system.

You can find the F-117 used occasionally (they go fast) and they are easy to resell.

I suggest being patient and buying a used model for your system. It is easy to resell if you don't like it.

Best Regards,

Jim Perry