Record clamps: do they really make a difference.

Hello all,

I have a Sota Sapphire that I love. I recently purchased the reflex clamp. I cannot tell a difference. Perhaps they matter when you have an older record that is somewhat warped? What do you guys think.
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I have a sota jewel. My friend with a sapphire brought his clamp over. Within 10 seconds I was in shock. It took the clarity to a whole other level. Are you putting the clamp on tightly? Is your table set up properly?
To complete the mating on the vinyl with the platter, add a heavy weight periphery clamp.
It depends on the platter. The old VPI TNT platters we're recessed in the center with a washer around the spindle, so when the clamp was turned down the record was held flat across the entire surface. The result was the entire surface was part of the platter. Worked well if you did not "over tighten" the clamp, resulting in "dished" record.

Vacuum hold down also works in most cases.