Record clamps: do they really make a difference.

Hello all,

I have a Sota Sapphire that I love. I recently purchased the reflex clamp. I cannot tell a difference. Perhaps they matter when you have an older record that is somewhat warped? What do you guys think.
Dear Lewm: +++++ " Life is short. " +++++

so why try to improve nothing that always is time consuming?

Makes sense that to you?

+++ " fretting over what is "wrong" with my system. " ++++

yes, who cares !!!!!!????????

Well, always exist audiophiles whom cares.

Life is short and that's why we have to enjoy it in the BEST way. I don't like the idea to live in the " error " just because " life is short "!!!!!!

Like yours only an opinion,

Regards and enjoy the music,
But I don't think there is "error" in bringing my system to be as accurate and "distortion"-free as possible while also being enjoyable to me. You ALWAYS assume that someone else's Nirvana is inferior to yours. That may not be so. Please stop twisting my words so to make it appear that I am sloppy in my thinking or my approach to audio. In that way, you close off meaningful discussion.
I bought a Mitchell record clamp for my Linn/Akito rig last year and I think it sounds better with it makes me feel better knowing it's there, I think I'm a better person for going to the trouble of buying it, and the table looks cooler. So it's win win win win.
11-03-13: Mosin
Actually, a heavy weight will make a noisy bearing run quieter.

It is Nov. now and I can honestly say, you gave me the laugh of the year. Thank you.