Anti static guns

I saw this guy on YouTube who used this device as an anti static gun

Since I think my Minty gun is dead, anyone ever use one of these?
Not so sure about is..
An "anti-static" brush can only reduce static if it's grounded. Without a conductive path from the bristles to ground, the friction between bristles and LP will increase static, not reduce it.

Don't throw your Zerostat away. Years ago someone here (4yanx?) posted a tip about how to open it up and adjust/tweak something. Supposedly makes it as good as new. Wish I could find that post...
> Dougdeacon: I'll look for that post too, but if you find it first, let me know. Some of the brushes do have grounding wires as I'm sure you know. Would they work as well as a Zerostat?
Doug, my Zerostat never did work right. I managed to get it open, I discovered the two halves are not glued together.

Inside is a small cylinder with a lever connected to it. There is a locknut that is used to set the adjustment on it. I found there is a very small area in the adjustment range that makes the thing work.

In the end, I was unable to improve on the factory setting, which only works every third or fourth squeeze of the trigger. Yours may turn out differently, but you won't know until you try.

Best regards,
Many Zerostat owners use the device incorrectly by pulling and releasing the trigger too fast. If you hear any clicking sound when depressing or releasing the trigger, you are pulling/releasing too fast.
Thanks, Dan. That sounds like it. I only learned of it AFTER I'd tossed my first one... drat. My second one continues to function correctly.

Brf is correct. To function, the Zerostat's trigger must be pulled s-l-o-w-l-y.