Used turntable market

I have been monitoring the turntable classify on Audiogon and it seems very few actually get sold. Are people afraid of buying used tables? What are the real risks? What are your experiences in buying used turntables and cartridges without actually demoing the unit?

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Thank you all for your responses. I guess the logical thing to do when buying used turntable on the net is to have an agreement with the seller ahead of time on a resolution if the table arrives damaged due to shipping.
One thought, pick up, pick up and only pickup. No shipping. Nothing beats hearing it, in person. Gives you a chance to 'hear' it and also deprive UPS of shock testing.
If I only purchased turntables I could hear before purchase and pick up, my best table would have been a Townsend rock 3, which come to think of it wouldn't be such a bad thing. But my next step would have been a technics sl1200. I shudder at the thought.
I purchased my Origin Live table on AGon and had it shipped. The factory box is a very well constructed wood crate instead of a carboard box. It arrived without damage. The table was in fabulous condition, unidentifiable from brand new. So my experience was postive in the best way.