I used to think the term "magnetic drive" is a marketing ploy to steer away from the bad rep direct drive garnered. But magnetic drive is indeed a better description, especially for people with negative ideas about the DD genre. Terms like belt-drive and idler-drive are more useful because they describe the interfaces that drive the platter. So if you must, think of the interface in a direct drive is magnetic force that makes the platter spin. So it is "magnetic drive." And this magnetic force is turning the platter 33rpm, which is only half hertz! In a belt drive or idler table, the motor, often times, running at 1800rpm, 30Hz, and is in the audible range, and necessitates motor isolation. DD or magnetic drive does not have that problem. Is it better than belt drive or idler drive? No, but it's a design option up to the engineer. It's really about execution. I believe there are many belt drive turntables cost more than $30k that don't cause such a stir.
I just want to wait for more information about the VPI Direct Drive so I can learn more about its design and implementation. I can't afford one but I sure like to learn more. That's all.