What is a Choke?

I was at an audio store and saw a small box with four power outlets which was connected to the wall and then to a few components. The salesperson said it was a "choke". I can't remember the brand (not a PS Audio item, though), but, not surprisingly, the salesperson highly recommended it @ ~ $800. What was it that I saw? How does it work? Does it work?
Read the very short fundamentals of electicity section here

A choke is just another name for and an inductor.

Here is a helpful glossary of technical amplifier terms.
A "choke" is another name for an inductor. An inductor can be used as a device to supply current (for a short duration) under high demand conditions, without a drop in voltage level. Think in terms of the "Richard Gray Power Company" type AC Power conditioners.

You got that right, Onhwy61! I would have said it's what I do every time over a 5 foot putt to win a golf match.