Onhwy61- It's not necessarily the accuracy, it's the precision. IOW, it matters not if the VTF that sounds best to you is, to make up an example, 2.12, 2.13, or 2.14. Or in fact any value between 2.1 and 2.2 gms. However, once you determine the optimal value, you would like to be able to get back to that # w regularity, if you need to, for any reason, dismount and then remount the same cart. If your scale can only display to 0.1 gms, you will not be able to get back to that "optimal" VTF other than by trial and error. OTOH, if your asking if differences of < 0.1 gms are audible, then I have to say it's up to you and the resolution of your entire system. I know Doug can hear those differences on his system, and I'm pretty sure I can, too. Not necessarily 0.01 gms, but 0.05 for example. YMMV.