Stylus force digital scales

Digital scales from Clearaudio and others range from $200-500. Amazon has 'em for $20. Why cant I use one of these instead and save big bucks?
I would advise against the Sure scale. I happened to have two identical Sure scales and they were very off against each other. Will never trust them again.

I currently use an APTP445 scale, which is digital and cheap (more or less $10 on ebay), but works well. It's too thick as it is so I made a step out of a credit card and a little bit of Blu-Tack to measure the VTF at the record level. I regularly re-check it with a 5-gram reference weight and it appears to show repeatable measurements. For those on a budget it's a good option.
Dougdeacon, thanks that is something I have not thought about. I have confirmed on my el cheapo digital force gauge that it does measure the correct weight despite the attractive force by zeroing with the cartridge on the platform, and then lifting the cartridge away, and it gives the exact negative reading of the force I set in the first place. The magnets on my Lyra are unbelievably strong and I'm sure the force on the suspension during measurement is not good for the suspension...finally a reason to never measure with a gauge that is magnetic, and a compelling one!!