Random Static Hits

What can I do to eliminate the random static hits that I'm getting with playing all of my vinyl. About 4 or 5 times a side, there's a medium loud pop right down the center. It doesn't happen in the same place if I play the LP again and it happen on every LP I've played in the last couple of weeks. The wall mounted turntable is a WT Simplex and it's grounded as always to a Herron VTPH-1MC. Nothing has changed in my system recently, but the weather has changed I guess.... it's dryer. Floors are hardwood so no spraying the carpet to increase humidity. Help!
Gruv Glide will cure it. No gimmick that you use before playing the record will work because the act of playing the record - dragging the stylus over the vinyl - will cause it to build up. Again, I make no other claims for the product other than static removal. And that is 100%. Just make sure you use as directed - no more and no less. Best of luck.
Dragging the stylus over the vinyl causes static build up? That would mean we would all be having the same problem.

More likely it is the movement of the air on a rotating vinyl platter that is causing it. The dryer the air, the more static.

I'm fortunate enough to have a whole house humidifier so that the winter time dry conditions caused by central heating are ameliorated. I still use the Milty Zerostat for further treatment.
It seemed logical that the friction of the stylus in the groove could cause static - like rubbing a balloon on your sleeve and sticking it to the wall. But I guess it may be the dry air moving over the rotating platter as well. It's academic. In any case, the GG will cure the static, which is what the OP is looking for. A whole-house humidifier like you have is the best solution, but not everyone can install one, for one reason or another.
Thanks for the suggestion. GG makes me nervous given all the money and time I spend keeping the LPs clean. Isn't there some degrading of sound? I've done a seach and there's a lot of controversy about GG.
Don't buy it if it makes you nervous. IMO, it does not degrade the sound, but others disagree. When you first apply it, the first playing will collect a bit of residue on the stylus, which could build up to the point where you might hear a dulling effect, as with any excessive build up of dust. In my experience, this is minimal after a play or two and you end up with static-free records. Again, that's up to you. You've tried the miracle cures and they didn't work. So basically you're left with 3 choices - try the GG and make up your own mind, get a better humidifier for your home, which is probably the best solution, or just use the gimmicks you have and live with the static pops. Best of luck to you either way.