01-07-14: Halcro
I wasn't including you amongst those who have said that a very high-mass platter on a string or thread-drive turntable would be immune to stylus drag as you have admitted the fact......
Dertonearm and Dover I believe in the past (amongst many others previous to the advent of the Timeline)....have made such claims.
Halcro, I have not made the claim that a high mass platter is immune to stylus drag. No turntable is immune to stylus drag.
The unanswered question is how well do various turntables respond to stylus drag.
Proposed Test Procedure
In terms of Richardkrebs suggested testing procedure stylus off and on: this is not is not a valid test. What we are wanting to quantify is the variation in stylus drag between a heavily modulated record groove and lightly modulated record groove. The test that Richardkrebs proposes compares no stylus drag to some undefined recording. This is unscientific as it lacks a control recording to standardise the test. The results will be random and the conclusions meaningless.
An accurate test procedure would be to agree on a specific record and tracks to be played. The record should contain a variety of tracks in terms of modulation. Then each person should play those tracks continuously from beginning to end. The sum total of the error at the end of this test will be truly comparable between turntables. As Tonywinsc suggested a meaningful sample would be 10 minutes, by which time any stylus drag error if it is significant would become apparent.
01-07-14: Halcro
Yet I have shown on my video of the Raven AC-2....the comparison when the stylus is NOT in the groove and I think that that gives a further comparison to both the motor, belt/string/thread and platter abilities of a belt-drive turntable......or ANY type of turntable.
Your comments (and Syntax's) about only being concerned by the performance when the stylus is tracking the record....is misleading.
I have recordings that have extremely modulated grooves and I have records which have very benignly modulated grooves.
I can adjust the motor controller to handle one or the other.....but unless the speed is manipulated for each and every record you play.......there will inevitable be a difference in the Timeline between different recordings.
This is why seeing the Timeline 'without load' in comparison to 'under load' is valuable. .
You make the claim that unless the speed is adjusted for each and every record you play.. there will inevitably be a difference in the Timeline between different recordings.. From your comments above this is only true of the Raven AC2. It is wrong to assume that all turntables behave the same as the Raven AC2. For example, do you find that you also have to adjust the speed on your Victor 101 for each record.