My point is that knowing about the specific motor is useful when making these Timeline comparisons because what you see isn't always what you actually get.
I know this is true
.and I apologise to Tonywinsc if I appeared dismissive of his valuable contributions here
..but at no time was cogging mentioned till I did so in regards to the video showing this phenomenon with the Timeline on the Micro Seiki RX-5000 string-drive turntable. This is one of the drawbacks of using string or thread drive turntables as there is no filter to the motors cogging like there is with flexible rubber belt drives.
For an inflexible thread or string drive turntable to work well
.the motor needs to be virtually cogless like that of the Caliburn as Mosin has mentioned.
I understand what Tonywinsc and Mosin are saying about motors and their characteristics
and I agree that it is a highly complex subject for those without the knowledge or interest.
HERE is a Link to Peter Moncriefs full article which asks
.and answers
.more questions than you ever knew existed about turntable motors?
this Thread is about a Video Database of turntables with and without stylus drag as demonstrated via the Sutherland Timeline.
Syntaxs video clearly demonstrates that severe motor cogging can be seen on the Timeline laser whilst other videos posted that any cogging which may exist in other motors
.is not so graphically demonstrated?
Many of us have readily admitted that correct and/or consistent speed control of a turntable
is but one ingredient to determining its performance.
Many of us also agree that it is however
.the primary fundamental ingredient to get right.
Speculating on the other hidden qualities of a particular motor
.which cannot be demonstrated via the Timeline or other objective repeatable tests
.should be discussed on other more suitable Threads?
We are still hopefully awaiting the promised Timeline video for Mosins turntable
.and perhaps Dovers Final motor which appears more sophisticated than the Micro Seiki model and might demonstrate a string-drive turntable which doesnt suffer from cogging or stylus drag?