Every time I pass through the kitchen, I fire up the TT101 once or twice to see if it's decided to go nuts again. This morning it finally did, once, from "cold" (power off overnight). Then it worked again on re-start for the duration of my light breakfast. I think the two technicians who have worked on this thing have simply left it running for days on end in their respective shops and therefore have concluded that they cannot duplicate my problem. The failure mode occurs at start-up, or not, so once it gets up and running it does seem to be fine. Perhaps the best approach is to leave power ON at all times or at least to wait a bit before starting the motor up after having applied power. And the failure mode is the same: If the tach displays "33.34", it's going to die within seconds, no braking, tach goes blank except for the decimal point. Bill Thalmann told me that the circuit is slaved to the tach, I think. Something in the circuit does not like to see overspeed, which makes me think the issue resides in the reverse servo mechanism.
But on the other hand, as regards Power, the thing malfunctioned consistently, every time no matter what, cold or warm, within about 90 seconds after start-up, before I sent the unit out this last time. So there goes my hypothesis. Yep, Gremlins in the basement.