Turnable database with TimeLine

Here is a database showing various turntables being tested for speed accuracy and speed consistency using the Sutherland TimeLine strobe device. Members are invited to add their own videos showing their turntables.

Victor TT-101 with music

Victor TT-101 stylus drag

SME 30/12

Technics SP10 MK2a

Denon DP-45F
Richard, So many of my "conclusions" as regards what the hell is going on with the TT101 eventually prove themselves to be false or only half true, that I am loathe to make any pronouncements, but I do see with my unit that keeping it powered on all day yesterday was a good thing to have done. And in fact it started the day from "cold", malfunctioning with the tach in Hold position. It was warmed up when I switched into Run mode. One might argue that had I switched back from Run to Hold later, after it was warmed up, it might have worked fine. Thus my conclusion above that my unit works correctly only in the Run mode could be incorrect. Frankly, I don't care, so long as it does work.

Now you are going to make me run home tonight and turn on all my DD tt's. They have been sitting idle for quite some time, because I have been using only the Lenco on the Beveridge speaker system. There's no room to set up a second tt anywhere near the preamp.
The moral of the story is if you own a TT101, it is best to own at least one other reliable tt.
When you realise that the innards look like this....there is certainly value to your 'moral'?

On the other hand.......the much cheaper and simpler TT-81 may be the answer to that 'back-up' turntable?
Sounds just as fine to me......
TT81 for others, maybe. I've got DP80, L07D, SP10 Mk3, Lenco for "back-up".

TT101 is looking good. I am leaving it power up. Your quite right that the innards are a veritable rat's nest. I have observed that it is difficult to pack all the wiring back into the metal canister, after working on the circuit. In particular, the AC cord has to be folded just so, otherwise it won't fit. Plus there are all those interconnecting wire harnesses. My hypothesis is that the workers who built these things knew precisely how to lay out everything for final assembly. Then, after 30 years of aging of solder joints and PCB traces, we come along and take the tt's apart and cram them back together when work is done. It is my observation that incorrect routing of the wiring harnesses and AC cord followed by "cramming" can cause the various PCBs to bend a bit, thus putting stress on solder joints and tracings. I would bet this has a lot to do with our problems.
"Your" = "You're", of course. I hate when I do that.
Henry, Can you make me one of those free-standing cradles for my TT101? Who makes your arm pods, etc? Based on your first hand inspection, do you perceive that the TT101 and the TT81 have exactly the same motor? It looks from photos that the TT101 motor might be different in size or in some other way from that of the TT81. I know they are both coreless types.

Hiho, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, as regards a report on how the QL10 ensemble "sounds". I am dealing with some amplifier problems that appear to have been resolved. One amplifier for each of my two entirely separate audio systems has been "down" on my workbench.
To short-circuit the hijacking of this Thread any longer.....I have re-awakened the 'Vintage DD-Are We Living Dangerously' Thread.....

Lew, will Email you shortly re your questions.