Rpeluso, kindly explain how it is that my referring to that music as not particular serious is any more of a "transgression" (!!!!) than you referring to me as a "snob". "Putdown" ? C'mon man, lighten up. I don't know the person who posted that video nor why he chose that music; not to mention that he is clearly not part of this discussion. Have you nothing better to do than play monitor? What have you contributed to this thread besides your criticism of me? Nothing.
****There is no accounting for taste. ****
Obviously so.
****You have your, I have mine, he has is, and they are each as valid as the other. ****
Also true, but "as valid" only to each of us. I can respect the fact that you may like Velveeta more than aged Vermont cheddar, but don't tell me that I am not allowed to say that Velveeta is not particularly good compared to aged Vermont cheddar. I am not interested in the kind of relativism that you seem to adhere to. If that makes me a snob, I accept the title proudly.
****There is no accounting for taste. ****
Obviously so.
****You have your, I have mine, he has is, and they are each as valid as the other. ****
Also true, but "as valid" only to each of us. I can respect the fact that you may like Velveeta more than aged Vermont cheddar, but don't tell me that I am not allowed to say that Velveeta is not particularly good compared to aged Vermont cheddar. I am not interested in the kind of relativism that you seem to adhere to. If that makes me a snob, I accept the title proudly.