Interesting analog experience

I while back a bunch of my die hard analog loving buddies and club members came over for a night of music etc .
It happened that I was listening to a CD when they came up the walk way , so I put a record on but left the preamp on the CD input . After about 20 minutes of listening to these good folks tell me how great the sound was and how great analog was the record came to an end but the music continued. I broke it to them that they were enjoying digital sound . I know it was kind of sneaky but seeing there mouths agape and them being speechless was worth the price of my S.M.E. 20/12 table .
Its a well kept secret (from audiophiles) but the rest of the world really thinks they are listening to records too when they play their digital. Some even think they hear tubes!!
Dinster , many of my audio club mates would not be considered well mannered in that way , if they don't like something you'll be told about it and in detail .
A persnickerty bunch really .
The value of analog v digital isn't measured in 20 minute increments. There's no reason why someone can't enjoy digital more than analog for a particular song, record, group of records. It's really about the long term listening experience. You could have played that digital for another 20 minutes and everyone would have still been praising the sound but asking to go out to the bar. Play the analog for 40 minutes and they would want an hour more. Or with that SME, you'd have a hard time getting them to leave.
I mean, really, can anyone say they honestly like DDD CDs? Especially compared to AAD CDs.