What's next after Clearaudio Concept ?

I have enjoyed my time with this TT. It was my foray into analog.

I am now ready for an upgrade and wanted your kind opinions on what I should look at next that would be significant upgrade.

I am hoping to get a new combination of transparency and richness of sound.

My budget is $3000 for the whole analog frontend. I would prefer an MC cartridge.

Rest of my system:
EAR 843P
Triode TRX-1 Pre-amp
Coincident Dragon Mk II
Vienna Acoustics Haydn

Thank you.
What's next after Clearaudio Concept ?

Try this:

Take your significant other to a nice dinner with wine.

Then take a drink or two once you return home, you know some nice Mr.Daniels or other likeable juice.

Then put on your favorite record on your Concept.

It should sound as good if not better than your planned upgrade.

Try it ;)
Sonicbeauty, ha ha yes, you are right, it will sound far better.
I will take your suggestion whether I do an upgrade or not :)
I havent heard it but there was a lot of great feedback around the well tempered amadeus in your price range. Good luck.