Brinkmann Bardo and Tri-Planar VII-U armrest issue

Just got a new Brinkmann Bardo. It was a snap to put the Tri-Planar am to the arm board drilled for this arm.

I measured the spindal to pivot distance of 233.5mm with my Feickert Protractor and set up the cartridge with the MintLP.

The issue I have is when I put down the arm, the arm will touch the arm rest and not fall at the beginning of the first track. By touching the arm rest, the arm is bump to several groove from the beginning of the track 1. I did try to fix this issue for the arm rest being too close to the platter by turning the armpod but without success if I want to keep the right S2P distance. Maybe I am doing something wrong. I would appreciate any comment/help.

As this info isn't in the owner's manual, it ought to be included in the TriPlanar Tips thread. Please consider posting a synopsis there.

Someone should also forward this info to Tri Mai as he has given the "bend the tonearm support bar" solution to more than one customer (including me). Thankfully, my solution included re-drilling a new mounting plate.
Tri is very aware of it- it is he that told me where to look in the first place. Funny its not in the manual though. I'll mention that next time we talk.