VPI Classic platter - is center milled?

Is the vpi classic platter milled with a depression in the center? vpi recommends not using a mat, but my platter has a slight rise in the center.

With the provided ring clamp and gasket, vinyl stays 2 mm above platter with a lot of wobble. If I use the rubber mat, it seats the vinyl firmly.

Thanks for input.
The classic platter has a depression in its center....it looks like it would accommodate the label of a record. I tried with and without the rubber mat...the rubber mat wins for me. Without it the sound is too - errrr metallic
So String ..., if someone's platter is elevated as described above, does that sound like a manufacturing defect? Any thoughts or views about the sonic impact of the black shrink wrap VPI is using on the Classic 3 stainless steel wand?
To add to Bifwynne's clarifying questions: how old is your rig? I just purchased the classic 1 month ago. Could there have been a manufacturing change?
I just purchased the classic 1 month ago. Could there have been a manufacturing change?

That's the million dollar question!
Bif....lets see now.... if indeed there is a change to having the spindle area raised, that would mean that with the outer ring and center weight applied, there would be greater tension on the record...more downward force. ..may be a good idea. I suppose if its a gradual slope, and the record plays well, its fine. If its more than a gradual slope, and that azimuth is affected, I would question it. I find that proper azimuth makes a marked difference for the better. Isn't splitting the proverbial hair fun? I would guess that the sound isn't much different..like the black wrap, or the change from a 9 inch to 10.5 inch arm.