Turntable upgrade, tweaks, or stay put?

I have a music hall mmf-7, stock with goldring eroica and project speed box. Rest of system: Wilson audio Sophias, Musical fidelity KW 500, Musical fidelity Trivista DAC, and Musical fidelity CD player. I really enjoy the mmf7 and have no real complaints. However, I know it is the weakest link in my system. I wonder how much better it could be. Do you think I would have to spend $5-6000 or more on a new tt to get significantly better sound? Any recommendations? Or would some tweaks be smarter? Or just save my money and buy more records? Thanks in advance. As I said, I like my mmf7, but wonder if I am missing out by not having something of similar quality to the rest of my system.
Thanks for those comments. I have a couple of questions about the Zephyr: 1) how long does it take to break in; and, 2) do you have any suggestions on setting the arm height on the scoutmaster with the Zephyr?
Thanks in advance.
Arsh: you asked, "I have a couple of questions about the Zephyr:

1) how long does it take to break in ..."

Not long. Maybe 50+ hours.

"2) do you have any suggestions on setting the arm height on the scoutmaster with the Zephyr?"

Follow the instruction. I would set VTA so the arm is horizontal with the platter. Then adjust by ear. Set VTF within the recommended range. Harry Weisfeld does not believe in using anti-skating (AS). Peter does. Frankly, making adjustments to the JMW arm is a PITA. I use just a little AS and only to minimize uneven wear. Send the Zephyr to Peter for a check up after 1500 or so hours of use. Not only will Peter clean the cartridge, but he can check on wear patterns. That's how I settled on the AS adjustment for my arm.

Ok, another question: anyone use Fun-tak or Blu-tak to clean your stylus?

Nope, Magic Eraser yes, but never Blu-Tak