Which tonearms just sit over the plinth surface?

With no need for fixing and screwing to the armboard? I mean tonearms like RS labs R-A1...Price range 1000-1500 USD.
How good is the temaad? I had seen the rs but scared but possible instability and playing records would see like a thriller movie. Is the temaad same league that top arms or just mid class?Really have no idea. Thanxs
RS-A1 is not for the faint of heart. But once you learn its eccentricities, I don't or I no longer think of it as dangerous to cartridges. I've never damaged a cartridge in the RS-A1 (knock wood). The DV505 is of course an ordinary tonearm which you can set down anywhere but of course one must be careful not to nudge it once you've aligned it. I would suggest taping down the flat base element. Of course, bolting it to the plinth is easy and best.