empire 980 arm mistracks with various cartridges

Hi I have Empire 598 with 980 arm that mistracks with all cartridges used. All carts function fine in other turntables.
No matter how heavy I set up the VTF going way over limit of the cartridge specified it will still mistrack and would not output anything bellow 160Hz. So all bottom end is completely sliced away. When I tap on the plinth, bass comes back for the flash moment.
So far connected ADC Series II, Pickering XV15, Shelter 501 with no success. What may cause such brutal mistracking and lack of resolution?
It's probably your bearings. Carefully place a 1/2 inch square of plain paper on the tonearm gently while it's floating at zero grams - if it does not move, you have too much friction.
If adjusting arm height has no effect on the bass the arm is having a severe problem!

The bearings don't go out of adjustment, unless someone messes with them. They fail. Over-tightening the bearings is a simple way to damage them. They are supposed to be ever so slightly loose. They are not packed with grease- they don't need it.

The bearing is extremely loose, but not slightly. Main bearing too. There's not much of a friction issue, but lots of tracking errors.
I'll be replacing this tonearm with rec-o-cut s990 that will fit with no modification or suspension elimination.
THANKS for everyone's input.
I finally came up with great arm AudioTechnica 1005 that landed onto the suspension spider just like the original one.
The smallish disadvantage that there's no arm lift(may acquire and mount externally and absence of magnet to pull up at the end of the dead wax.
Cartridge being used is Pickering XV15 with D750 styli. I think this table may deserve better cartridge, but so far sounds fantastic. Can any recommend MM cartridge $150ish ballpark?
THANKS for input!
A Grado might suit nicely. I can't imagine the suspension of the cantilever is any good after so many decades.