Vinyl essentials for novices

Over recent years, you would have known a number of friends getting into vinyl for the first time. They're enchanted by the whole vinyl package. After a while, they realise that records need to be clean and kept clean. Maintenance! Here's a little guide for them, if they want to go the DIY way. Any other advice would surely be helpful.
1. Do not touch the album surface!

2. I bought one plastic bottle of "Discwasher" with an anti-static brush in the 70's.

Still using the brush and the same bottle but is now filled with 50% rubbing alcohol and 50% distilled water.

3. I an willing to bet that my albums are as clean as anybodys
The "Spin Clean" works amazingly, and is pretty cheap as far as these things go. I use one and love the results.
I 2nd the SPIN CLEAN for wet washing cant beat their fluid it works awesome.