TT Power Cord

How important do you think it is? For some reason it's not been on my radar and I have no problem spending 1-2k on all my other cords. Any opinions?
You should take one out from another piece of gear then listen to your system then place that cord on the TT motor. I did just this and now have a Pranawire Satori (about 4K) on my TT motor it made that big of a difference.

(Dealer disclaimer)
I have yet to be able to tell any difference between the stock power cords and expensive after-market power cords with ANY of my components. Sigh. Guess that, to my ears, it is all a myth and a way for vendors to make lots of money! lol

OOPS Holly....I'm not with you on this one. In MY experience a proper power cord can be even more beneficial to the final sound than a switch to a better active component.