$5k Upgrade

I have a clearaudio champion, zyx airy3, and k&k maxxed out phono. Thinking of upgrading and considering well tempered amadeus gta or versalex, new cartridge, or even new phono like herron vtph2. I don't necessarily think there is anything lacking, just chasing improvements.
Thanks PHD, that's what I am trying to figure out and it is a challenge. I have no real issues with my system. I am fairly certain that if I moved up the Shindo pre-amp chain that it would yield improvements and the upper models have MM/MC phono included, so that's an option.
Upgrading the preamp can often yield superior results, but I don't think that can happen for $5K. Have you considered a good power conditioner like the Audience?
With the cavaet that I have not heard your table, I'd give some thought to the following:

1) upgrade your ZYX to a 4D. Mehran at Sorasound may have a trade-up option that you can take advantage of.

2) take a look at a Townshend Rock 7 if you go the the turntable route. I moved from an Amadeus to the Rock 7 with a Rega 301, and even with that modest arm, it was an upgrade.

3) audition, audition, audition. In your home, this may only be possible with a phono stage.

And lastly, knowing what you listen to, or what characteristics of music are important to you will help. For example, one reason I went with the Rock was bass. Very important for me that it is well-reproduced. But others may not have that as a major priority.
I second Chayro. Clean up your power. Not only do you want clean power for your amp, but the amp feeds garbage back into the line, where it can be picked up by your sources. Isolation transformers solve that problem, for considerably less than $5K.
I'd ask Keith Herron if I could try out as VTPH-2. That would leave plenty left to get a good isolation transformer.

Note that all the signal carrying equipment must be on the same single isolation transformer. Keep that in mind as you look because you will need to find a transformer with the capacity for all your equipment (except the turntable motor).